Welcome to the 11th International Conference on
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
ICPMG 2026

8 – 12 June 2026
Zurich, Switzerland

Copyright by Zurich Tourism

ETH Zurich is delighted to welcome you to the 11th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2026) in the vibrant city of Zurich, Switzerland, from 8 to 12 June 2026.

The conference aims to provide a dynamic forum for academics, engineers, researchers, technicians and students, where the latest developments in modelling techniques, technologies, similitude laws, and all other aspects of physical modelling in geotechnics will be discussed.

ICPMG 2026 will offer an up-to-date overview of the latest developments in multi-scale physical modelling within the following general themes:

  • New facilities, new equipment, and measuring techniques
  • Scaling laws and fundamentals
  • Resilient Geotechnical Infrastructure
  • Sustainability in Geotechnical Systems
  • Energy geo-structures and foundation systems
  • Onshore and offshore foundation systems

Besides centrifuge modelling, studies based on 1g shake table and large scale testing are warmly welcome, as well as research that combines numerical and physical modelling.  

The conference will take place on Hönggerberg Campus of ETH Zurich, which is located just 15 minutes (with a direct bus link) from Zurich city center.

We hope that you will find the ICPMG 2026 scientifically stimulating, professionally rewarding, and enjoyable at a personal level.

Thank you for your participation in advance, and please enjoy ICPMG 2026 in Zurich!

Prof. Ioannis Anastasopoulos

Chair of ICPMG 2026, TC104

Copyright by Zurich Tourism