Monopile Benchmark Test

Introduction and purpose of the project


The centrifuge monopile benchmark testing project is a cross centrifuge research project. First part of the project focus on monotonic loading in sand and modeling uncertainties. The goal is to extent the project to multi directional cyclic loading in sand and clay.



Demonstration of modelling technic:

The project aims to demonstrate the reliability of centrifuge testing of monopiles for offshore wind turbines. It does that mainly by a benchmark test series performed across the world in different centrifuges, using different sands and different monopiles. In addition to this several other modeling aspect are investigated at the individual centrifuges, to highlight scale effects that needs to be considered by the centrifuge modelers. The paper “Centrifuge cone penetration tests in sand” by Bolton et al (1999) is the inspirational source.


Encourage joint research and sharing:

The project also aims to bring the different centrifuges groups that works with modelling of monopiles together. The hope is establish a “state of the art” methodology of centrifuge modelling and presentation of results. The experience gained during the benchmark testing will be a vulnerable source to this. The outcome will be a guideline of how to perform centrifuge testing of monopiles that will make it easier to work together and also to include work presented in papers in the future.


Increase industry and society impact:

Last goal is to increase the impact on industry and society. A lot of centrifuge work have already be done on monopiles, but until today with a little industrial impact. The hope is that by; first identifying how to perform the modelling in an appropriate many, and to demonstrate why, together with a worldwide cooperation will help the industry to see the possibilities centrifuge modelling offers. The results of the project will be presented in classical academic papers but also in industry events to showcase the research to practitioners.

For more updated progress of the project is shown here.


GEOFORUM: Monopile design through centrifuge technology

4th of December, 2018, London, UK