The ECPMG 2024 is organised by the Technical Committee on Physical Modelling (TC104) of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), and in cooperation with the EU-funded GEOLAB project.
The organising committee of ECPMG 2024 comprises the following members:
Dr. Suzanne van Eekelen, Deltares
Dr. Miguel Cabrera, TU Delft
Committee members:
Prof. Emer. Dr. Adam Bezuijen, Deltares/UGent
Prof. Dr. Ken Gavin, TU Delft
Dr. Cihan Cengiz, Deltares
Dr. William Ovalle-Villamil, TU Delft
Ton Peters, Deltares
Harm Aantjes, Deltares
Rob Zwaan, Deltares
Remco van den Berg, Deltares
International scientific committee:
Prof. Bernardo Caicedo, Univ. de los Andes, Colombia
Prof. David White, University of Southhampton, United Kingdom
Prof. Elisabeth Bowman, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Prof. Ioannis Anastasopoulos, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Jan Laue, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Dr. Luc Thorel, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France
The International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) is the leading professional body representing the interests and activities of Engineers, Academics and Contractors worldwide, who actively participate in geotechnical engineering. With 90 Member Societies and 21,000 individual members from around the globe, ISSMGE serves as the hub for geotechnical engineering professionals.
The Technical Committee 104 (TC104) plays a vital role in advancing knowledge and practice in the field of physical modelling in geotechnical engineering. Through establishing working groups, TC104 facilitates the sharing of resources for teaching, research, and the dissemination of physical modelling in geotechnical engineering. The ECPMG is Europe’s regional conference, alternating with the International Conference in Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG). Initially known as Eurofuge, the ECPMG covers the whole spectrum of advancements in physical modelling in geotechnical engineering. The focus now is not only on centrifuge modelling, but extends to laboratory scale modelling and field testing. The first ECPMG was held in 2008 in London, England, followed in 2012 in Delft, the Netherlands, 2016 in Nantes, France, and 2021 in Luleå, Sweden.
The GEOLAB project is a collaborative initiative aimed at advancing geotechnical research and innovation through cutting-edge laboratory facilities and interdisciplinary cooperation. The GEOLAB project, funded by the European Union H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, spans four years from 2021 to 2025. The ten GEOLAB partners offer access to a wide range of experimental facilities, including:
University of Maribor Large-scale Triaxial Apparatus
Technical University of Darmstadt Pile Foundation Test Pit
ETH Zürich Beam & Drum Centrifuge
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Geotest Sites
Deltares GeoCentrifuge and GeoModel Container
University Of Cambridge Schofield Centre
TU Delft Geotechnical Centrifuge and Liquefaction Tank
CEDEX Track Box
Gustave Eiffel University Geotechnical Centrifuge