The 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2022)

Call for Abstracts

The Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) is pleased to announce that the 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2022) will be held at KAIST campus in Daejeon, Korea, 19 to 21 September, 2022 under the auspices of Technical Committee 104 (TC104 Physical Modelling in Geotechnics) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The Local Organizing Committee of ICPMG 2022 calls for abstracts and the submission system will be prepared by the end of May 2021.

Since the first international conference in 1988 in Paris, it has been a greatest gathering for the physical modelling community to exchange and discuss share their knowledge and experiences among the distinguished academics, researchers, engineers and the next generation. We hope ICPMG 2022 becomes a successful event which inherit the tradition and heritages of the previous events.

Conference Topics

Physical modelling facilities and equipment

Scaling principles and modelling techniques

Instrumentations and measurements

Soft ground and improvements

Applications in offshore geotechnics

Earthquake related problems


Underground structures and pipelines

Excavations and retaining structures


Dams and embankments

Other various topics related to physical modelling in geotechnics


KAIST – the gate way to advanced science and technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship

KAIST is the first and top research oriented science and technology university in Korea. Since the establishment of the Geotechnical Centrifuge Testing Center in 2008, it has been one of the most productive centrifuge facilities in the world and contributed to advances in physical modelling related research in Korea.

The ICPMG main events will be held in KAIST Munji Campus, a beautiful and pleasant for gathering, and some of social events as well as the centrifuge facility technical tour will be prepared in KAIST main campus


Daejeon is the fifth largest Metropolitan City, geographically located at the heart of Korea. “Daedeok Innopolis” is a unique science cluster including over 70 world-class research institutes with more than 20,000 researchers. It is a brand new convention city equipped with a superb transportation infrastructure, state-of-the-art convention facilities, a wide selection of attractions, and accommodations.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Opening 1 July 2021

Abstract Submission Deadline 15 August 2021

Abstract Acceptance Notification 31 August 2021

Manuscript Submission Deadline 31 December 2021

Manuscript Acceptance Notification 28 February 2022

Final Manuscript Submission 30 April 2022

Pre-registration Opening 1 May 2022

ICPMG 2022 19 September 2022

Local Organizing Committee

Conference Chair Moon-Kyung CHUNG (KICT, President of KGS)

Vice Chair Gye-Chun CHO (KAIST)

Jong-Sub LEE (Korea University)

General Secretary Nam-Ryong KIM (K-water, TC104 Acting Chair)


Heon-Joon PARK (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Science & Technology)

Contact Information

For more information

Please visit the official website –