GEOFORUM: Monopile design through centrifuge technology

Date: 4th of December, 2018

Address: Canteen of Ørsted – Howick Pl, Westminster, London SW P WG, UK


Scaled modelling in a geotechnical centrifuge is an effective way of collecting physical evidence with established scaling laws and soil response that is similar to the field. The advances of controlled soil and load conditions makes it an effective tool to develop cost effective design models. A large coordinated centrifuge-testing program of laterally loaded monopiles in sand has been initiated across 8 different centrifuges. This event will present the initial results of a series of benchmark tests which address modelling effects through centrifuge testing, discuss the possibilities using centrifuge modelling and present research ideas for developing design tools that addresses cyclic loading from one and multiple directions as well as the effect of the pore fluid response.

Research Group

University of Cambridge (CUED); University of She eld, (CEIGR); University of Western Austrailia (COFS); Technical University of Denmark (DTU); The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR); Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST); Delft University of Technology (TU Delft); Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE), Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)

Successful GEOFORUM (Dec. 4, 2018)

Initial results from the benchmark test program were presented 4th of December in London. The event was arranged together with OSIG-SUT and Ørsted. Around 80 people from industry and academia attended the event in the canteen of Ørsted.

The presentations were well received and we had a small Q&A session at the end of the evening for the audience to ask questions.

A good evening with a lot of positive feedback.

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